Barbell Deadlift: Tips for Perfect Form


  1. Set Up:

    • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward.
    • Position the barbell over the midfoot.
    • Bend at the hips and knees to grip the bar with both hands just outside your knees. Use a double overhand or mixed grip.
  2. Body Position:

    • Keep your back neutral and chest up.
    • Engage your lats by pulling your shoulder blades slightly back and down.
    • Look slightly forward or down to keep your neck neutral.
  3. Lift:

    • Take a deep breath, brace your core, and push through your heels.
    • Extend your hips and knees simultaneously, lifting the bar while maintaining a straight back.
    • Keep the bar close to your body as you rise.
  4. Top Position:

    • Stand tall with your hips fully extended and shoulders back.
    • Avoid overextending or leaning back.
  5. Descent:

    • Hinge at the hips first, then bend your knees to lower the bar.
    • Keep the bar close to your body as it returns to the floor.
  6. Reset:

    • Let the bar rest on the ground momentarily before starting the next rep (if performing conventional deadlifts).


  • Focus on Your Feet: Drive through your heels and the midfoot to maximize leg activation. Avoid pushing through your toes.
  • Use the Right Stance: A narrower stance (conventional deadlift) places more emphasis on the hamstrings and glutes. If you want more quad involvement, experiment with a sumo deadlift stance.
  • Maintain Hip Position: Don’t let your hips rise faster than your chest during the initial pull; this keeps the movement leg-dominant rather than back-dominant.
  • Flex Your Glutes: Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement to ensure full hip extension.
barbell deadlift, proper form, strength training, fitness, deadlift tips