- Because the cable keeps constant tension on the target muscles, you can allow your hands to come past your head (unlike the barbell and dumbbell versions of the exercise).
- Do not bend at the elbows at all.
- Perform the exercise slowly and do not use momentum. This will make the exercise harder but yield better results.
Cable Lying Extension Pullover: Engage Your Chest and Lats
- Set up for the exercise by getting a flat bench and placing it lengthways in front of a low pulley cable machine. Leave about 2-3 feet between the bench and machine.
- Now attach a straight bar extension to the low pulley cable and select the weight you want to use on the stack.
- Lay down on the bench on your back with your head up near the end closest to the cable machine.
- Either lean back and grasp the straight bar extension or have someone pass it to you.
- You should use an overhand grip, with your palms facing towards you.
- Keeping your arms straight, take the weight up off the stack. This is the starting position.
- Slowly pull your hands up and across the top of your head until they're pointing at around 45 degrees towards your feet.
- Pause, and then lower the weight back to the starting position.
- Repeat for desired reps.