Dumbbell Biceps Curl: Arm Sculpting Simplified
- Assume the starting position for the standing dumbbell curl by grasping a pair of dumbbells and standing straight up, feet together, and dumbbells by your side. The dumbbells should not be touching your body.
- Your palms should face upwards.
- Take up the slack by bending the elbows slightly. Tension should be on the biceps.
- Slowly curl the dumbbells up as far as possible.
- Squeeze the biceps hard, and then slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
- Repeat for desired reps.
- The tension should be on the biceps at all times. Do not let them "hang" at the bottom of the exercise.
- Keep the rep timing slow and control the weight throughout the set.
- Do not let the dumbbells touch your body.
- And finally, do not swing the body back as you curl up the weight. The body should stay fixed throughout the movement. Focus on only moving your forearms.