Elbow-to-Knee Exercise for Core Activation
Starting Position:
- Lie flat on your back on an exercise mat with your legs extended and your arms placed behind your head. Elbows should be out to the sides.
- Engage your core by pulling your belly button towards your spine.
- Lift your right knee toward your chest while simultaneously lifting your left elbow and rotating your torso to bring the elbow toward the knee.
- Your lower back should remain in contact with the floor, and the movement should be slow and controlled.
- Lower your leg and torso back to the starting position without letting your head or feet rest on the floor.
Switch Sides:
- Repeat the movement with your left knee and right elbow.
- Alternate sides in a controlled manner.
- Perform 10–15 repetitions on each side, or as many as you can while maintaining proper form.
Engage Your Core:
- Focus on using your abdominal muscles, not just swinging your body to touch the elbow to the knee. Engage your obliques during the twist.
Controlled Breathing:
- Exhale as you twist and bring the elbow and knee together.
- Inhale as you return to the starting position.
Avoid Pulling on Your Neck:
- Keep your hands light behind your head and avoid yanking on your neck to lift your upper body. The motion should come from your abs, not your hands.
Small Range First:
- If you’re new to this exercise, perform a smaller range of motion initially, gradually increasing as your core strengthens.
Keep the Tempo Steady:
- Avoid rushing through the movement. Slow and controlled movements are more effective for engaging the core.
Modify if Necessary:
- If lifting both the knee and elbow is too challenging, try performing the movement with your upper body only or your legs only, then progress to the full exercise.
Check for Alignment:
- Your head, neck, and shoulders should stay aligned. Avoid excessive lifting of the head to prevent strain.