Front Cable Raise: Isolate Your Front Delts



  1. Cable Machine: Set the pulley to the lowest position on a cable machine.
  2. Attachment: Use a single handle attachment or grasp the cable directly if using a D-ring handle.
  3. Grip: Stand facing away from the machine. Hold the handle with one hand (or both hands for a bar attachment), palms facing down or neutral (depending on preference).


  1. Starting Position:

    • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Keep a slight bend in your knees and engage your core.
    • Hold the handle in front of your thighs with your arm(s) extended but not locked out.
  2. Lifting Phase:

    • Exhale as you lift the handle in a controlled motion.
    • Keep your arm(s) straight but slightly bent at the elbows.
    • Raise the handle to shoulder height or slightly above, ensuring tension remains in the anterior deltoid.
  3. Pause:

    • Pause briefly at the top of the movement for better muscle engagement.
  4. Lowering Phase:

    • Inhale as you slowly lower the handle back to the starting position under control.
    • Avoid letting the cable "snap" back or losing tension.
  5. Repetition:

    • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Optional Variations:

  • One-arm Front Cable Raise: Focus on one shoulder at a time for better mind-muscle connection.
  • Bar Attachment: Use a short bar to involve both arms simultaneously.


  1. Choose the Right Weight:

    • Use a moderate weight that allows for controlled movement. Avoid going too heavy, which can compromise form and increase the risk of injury.
  2. Maintain Proper Posture:

    • Keep your back straight and avoid arching or leaning backward.
    • Engage your core to stabilize your torso throughout the movement.
  3. Focus on the Target Muscle:

    • Concentrate on using your shoulder to lift the weight rather than swinging or using momentum.
    • Avoid excessive activation of the traps by not shrugging your shoulders.
  4. Controlled Movement:

    • Perform the exercise slowly to maximize tension on the muscle and minimize the risk of injury.
  5. Breathing Technique:

    • Exhale during the lifting phase and inhale during the lowering phase.
  6. Avoid Overextension:

    • Do not raise the handle too high, as it can strain the shoulder joint. Shoulder height or slightly above is sufficient.
  7. Rest Between Sets:

    • Allow for adequate rest between sets, typically 30–60 seconds, depending on your goals.
front cable raise, front deltoid exercises, shoulder isolation, shoulder workout, fitness