Handstand Push-Ups: Progression and Mastery


  1. Setup Position:

    • Start by setting up a clear space where you can safely perform the movement. Ideally, use a wall for support.
    • Place your hands about shoulder-width apart on the floor, with your fingers spread wide for stability.
    • Kick into a handstand position, making sure your body forms a straight line from head to heels. If you’re using a wall, lightly touch your feet to the wall for support.
    • Keep your core engaged and your glutes squeezed to avoid over-arching your lower back.
  2. The Descent (Lowering Phase):

    • Start by bending your elbows to lower your head toward the ground.
    • Control the descent, keeping your elbows slightly flared out at around 45 degrees (not straight out to the side). This helps with shoulder stability and avoids excessive strain.
    • Aim to lower your head to the floor, keeping your body straight. Your head should touch the ground lightly without crashing down.
  3. The Ascent (Pushing Phase):

    • Push through your palms to extend your arms and raise your body back up to the starting handstand position.
    • Keep your elbows slightly bent as you push, rather than locking them out completely.
    • Maintain your body in a straight line, and engage your core and glutes to prevent your hips from sagging.
  4. Breathing:

    • Inhale as you lower yourself into the handstand push-up.
    • Exhale as you push back up to the top.


  1. Head and Neck Position:

    • Don’t let your neck drop excessively when you lower into the push-up. Think about keeping a neutral neck alignment. Instead of looking straight down, focus on keeping your eyes slightly ahead of your hands.
  2. Shoulder Engagement:

    • When in the handstand position, engage your shoulders and "push" away from the ground to create a stable base. This helps protect your shoulder joints and makes the movement more efficient.
  3. Control the Descent:

    • The lowering portion of the handstand push-up can be the most difficult. Control the descent slowly and with purpose to build strength and ensure safety. Avoid letting gravity force your body down uncontrollably.
  4. Avoid Arching the Back:

    • Ensure your body is in a straight line from head to heels throughout the movement. Arching the back can cause unnecessary strain on your spine and hinder the effectiveness of the exercise.
  5. Core and Glute Activation:

    • Keep your core engaged throughout the movement to maintain body stability and protect your lower back. Similarly, squeeze your glutes to help keep your body straight during the entire push-up.
  6. Proper Warm-up:

    • Due to the shoulder-intensive nature of the movement, make sure you warm up your shoulders, wrists, and wrists properly before attempting handstand push-ups. Shoulder mobility drills and wrist stretches can prevent injuries.
  7. Spotter or Safety Considerations:

    • If you are practicing without a wall, consider having a spotter to help ensure you don’t fall over. When using a wall, ensure that you are not in a position where you could fall hard or overextend your range of motion.
handstand push-ups, bodyweight exercises, upper body strength, progression, fitness