Knees-to-Elbows: Core and Mobility Benefits
- Grip the pull-up bar with an overhand grip (hands shoulder-width apart).
- Allow your body to hang with arms fully extended and feet off the ground.
Engage the Core
- Activate your lats and engage your core to stabilize your body.
- Slightly retract your shoulder blades to avoid swinging excessively.
Initiate the Movement
- Start by pulling your knees toward your chest.
- Tuck your pelvis slightly to ensure your lower abs are engaged.
Touch Knees to Elbows
- Continue the upward motion until your knees make contact with your elbows.
- Aim to stay controlled throughout the movement.
Return to Start
- Slowly lower your legs back to a fully extended position.
- Maintain control to minimize unnecessary swinging.
Start Strict
- Build strength by performing strict reps before adding momentum or speed.
Grip Strength
- Work on grip endurance by incorporating dead hangs or farmer’s carries into your training.
Progress Gradually
- If you’re unable to touch your knees to your elbows, start with:
- Hanging Knee Raises: Bring your knees as high as possible.
- Lying Leg Raises: Train your hip flexors and lower abs on the floor.
- If you’re unable to touch your knees to your elbows, start with:
Strengthen Your Core
- Add accessory work like planks, hollow body holds, or ab wheel rollouts to strengthen the muscles needed for KTE.
Control the Descent
- Negative (eccentric) reps help you build strength and control.
Use Chalk or Grips
- Improve your grip on the bar to prevent slipping, especially during longer sets.