Reverse Crunches: Target Lower Abs
- Setup in a supine position with your legs in a 90/90 position (90 degree bend at the hips and knees) and your arms overhead holding onto a kettlebell.
- Drive the knees towards the chest and exhale as you complete the reverse crunch.
- Return to the starting position and extend the opposite arm and leg simultaneously as you exhale.
- Repeat steps #2 and #3 for the desired number of total repetitions.
- Do not hold your breath, you shouldn’t be using respiration to compensate for a lack of stability. Learn how to move while maintaining position without having to rely upon your breath.
- Move slowly but methodically. The goal is control within space, not simply completion of repetitions.
- Ensure that you exhale as the arm moves overhead and the leg extends. The goal is to keep the ribs down and prevent the lower back from hyperextending.
- If you can’t maintain a neutral spine while moving the arm and leg simultaneously, then begin with just the arms or legs by themselves. Only incorporate more elements when you’ve mastered control of the individual components.
- Try to keep your heels close to your butt as you complete the reverse curl.