The Benefits of Child’s Pose in Yoga


  1. Start in a Kneeling Position:

    • Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position.
    • Align your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Bring Your Big Toes Together:

    • Touch your big toes together behind you.
    • Spread your knees apart to a comfortable distance, typically as wide as your hips or the edges of the mat.
  3. Lower Your Hips Back:

    • Gently sit your hips back toward your heels.
    • If your hips don’t touch your heels, don’t force it—just go as far as is comfortable.
  4. Stretch Your Arms Forward:

    • Walk your hands forward, extending your arms fully in front of you.
    • Spread your fingers wide, pressing your palms into the mat.
  5. Rest Your Forehead Down:

    • Lower your forehead to the mat.
    • If your forehead doesn’t reach, use a yoga block, pillow, or folded blanket for support.
  6. Relax and Breathe:

    • Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths.
    • Feel your chest gently press into your thighs with each inhale.
  • Tips

    • Modify as Needed:

      • If your knees are sensitive, place a blanket or cushion under them.
      • If your hips feel tight, keep your knees closer together or use a bolster to support your torso.
    • Adjust Arm Position:

      • For a more passive version, let your arms relax alongside your body, palms facing up.
      • To deepen the stretch in your shoulders, keep your arms extended forward.
    • Focus on Your Breath:

      • Inhale deeply into your back body, feeling the stretch along your spine.
      • Exhale fully, allowing your body to soften and relax.
    • Take Breaks in Child's Pose:

      • Use this pose as a resting position during yoga practice whenever needed.
    • Avoid Strain:

      • If you feel any discomfort in your knees, lower back, or hips, adjust your position or use props.
child’s pose, yoga, relaxation, stretching, flexibility